TP: Python for artificial intelligence
Master 2 students, filiere Medecine Sciences, Universite Paris, 1900
Information for students:
Schedule for the TPs:
- Thursday 04/03, 14:30-17:00
- Friday 12/03, 14:30-17:00
The course will be hold online, connection instructions will be sent by e-mail.
Requirements for the course
- Working Google account (required to access Colab)
- Understanding written English
- Basic level of programming
- Basic notions of Python (usefull links 1 2 3)
- Basic level in statistics
- Basic understanding of linear regression
- Basic understanding of building and validating machine learning models
Starting information and links
Starting the TP, Lesson 1
- There will be a short introduction and demo
- Start from this Jupyter notebook
- Make your own copy of the notebook via Fichier/Enregistrer une copie dans Google Drive…
- Rename the notebook to “Python for AI, Lesson I, <Your family name>” where <Your family name> is your family name
- Share the notebook with with editing rights
Starting the TP, Lesson 2
- Start from validating the regression part
- When finished, continue with using Keras to build linear regression
- As before, make a copy of the notebook you use, rename it, share with