TP: Python for artificial intelligence

Master 2 students, filiere Medecine Sciences, Universite Paris, 1900

Information for students:

Schedule for the TPs:

  1. Thursday 04/03, 14:30-17:00
  2. Friday 12/03, 14:30-17:00

The course will be hold online, connection instructions will be sent by e-mail.

Requirements for the course

  1. Working Google account (required to access Colab)
  2. Understanding written English
  3. Basic level of programming
  4. Basic notions of Python (usefull links 1 2 3)
  5. Basic level in statistics
  6. Basic understanding of linear regression
  7. Basic understanding of building and validating machine learning models
  1. Introductory slides
  2. Colab
  3. Jupyter notebook keyboard shortcuts

Starting the TP, Lesson 1

  1. There will be a short introduction and demo
  2. Start from this Jupyter notebook
  3. Make your own copy of the notebook via Fichier/Enregistrer une copie dans Google Drive…
  4. Rename the notebook to “Python for AI, Lesson I, <Your family name>” where <Your family name> is your family name
  5. Share the notebook with with editing rights

Starting the TP, Lesson 2

  1. Start from validating the regression part
  2. When finished, continue with using Keras to build linear regression
  3. As before, make a copy of the notebook you use, rename it, share with