My publications (sorted by topics)
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*, ^ - stands for joint first or senior authorship.
Modeling biological networks - Computational biology
Machine learning methods and applications
Rybnikova N, Portnov BA, Mirkes EM, Zinovyev A, Brook A and Gorban AN Coloring Panchromatic Nighttime Satellite Images: Comparing the Performance of Several Machine Learning Methods. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60:4702715,1-15, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2021.3076011
Seisenova A, Daniyarov A, Molkenov A, Sharip A, Zinovyev A, Kairov U. Meta-Analysis of Esophageal Cancer Transcriptomes Using Independent Component Analysis. Front Genet. 2021 12:683632. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.683632
Amblard E, Bac J, Chervov A, Soumelis V, Zinovyev A. Hubness reduction improves clustering and trajectory inference in single-cell transcriptomic data. Bioinformatics. 2021 Nov 23:btab795. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btab795.
Bac J, Mirkes EM, Gorban AN, Tyukin I, Zinovyev A. Scikit-Dimension: A Python Package for Intrinsic Dimension Estimation. Entropy (Basel). 2021 23(10):1368.
Albergante L, Mirkes E, Bac J, Chen H, Martin A, Faure L, Barillot E, Pinello L, Gorban A, Zinovyev A. Robust and Scalable Learning of Complex Intrinsic Dataset Geometry via ElPiGraph. Entropy (Basel). 2020. 22(3):296
Chervov A, Bac J, Zinovyev A. Minimum Spanning vs. Principal Trees for Structured Approximations of Multi-Dimensional Datasets. Entropy (Basel). 2020. 22(11):1274
Golovenkin SE, Bac J, Chervov A, Mirkes EM, Orlova YV, Barillot E, Gorban AN, Zinovyev A. Trajectories, bifurcations, and pseudo-time in large clinical datasets: applications to myocardial infarction and diabetes data. Gigascience. 2020. 9(11):giaa128
Colaprico A, Olsen C, Bailey MH, Odom GJ, Terkelsen T, Silva TC, Olsen AV, Cantini L, Zinovyev A, Barillot E, Noushmehr H, Bertoli G, Castiglioni I, Cava C, Bontempi G, Chen XS, Papaleo E. Interpreting pathways to discover cancer driver genes with Moonlight. 2020. Nature Communications 11(1):69
Greco A, Sanchez Valle J, Pancaldi V, Baudot A, Barillot E, Caselle M, Valencia A, Zinovyev A, Cantini L. Molecular Inverse Comorbidity between Alzheimers Disease and Lung Cancer: New Insights from Matrix Factorization. 2019. Int J Mol Sci 20(13). pii: E3114.
Cantini L, Kairov U, de Reynies A, Barillot E, Radvanyi F, Zinovyev A. Assessing reproducibility of matrix factorization methods in independent transcriptomes. 2019. Bioinformatics 35(21):4307-4313
Chen H, Albergante L, Hsu JY, Lareau CA, Lo Bosco G, Guan J, Zhou S, Gorban AN, Bauer DE, Aryee MJ, Langenau DM, Zinovyev A, Buenrostro JD, Yuan G-C, Pinello L. Single-cell Trajectories Reconstruction, Exploration And Mapping of omics data with STREAM. 2019. Nature Communications 10:1903.
Aynaud M-M, Mirabeau O, Gruel N, Grossetete S, Boeva V, Durand S, Surdez D, Saulnier O, Zaidi S, Gribkova S, Kairov U, Raynal V, Tirode F, Grunewald TGP, Bohec M, Baulande S, Janoueix-Lerosey I, Vert J-P, Barillot E, Delattre O, Zinovyev A. Transcriptional programs define intratumoral heterogeneity of Ewing sarcoma at single cell resolution. 2020. Cell Reports, 30(6):1767-1779.e6
Zinovyev A, Czerwinska U, Cantini L, Barillot E, Frahm KM, Shepelyansky DL Collective intelligence defines biological functions in Wikipedia as communities in the hidden protein connection network. 2020. PLoS Computational Biology, 16(2):e1007652
Lages J, Shepelyansky D, Zinovyev A. Inferring hidden causal relations between pathway members using reduced Google matrix of directed biological networks. 2018. PLoS One 13(1):e0190812.
Nazarov PL, Wienecke-Baldacchino AK, Zinovyev A, Czerwinska U, Muller A, Nashan D, Dittmar G, Azuaje F, Kreis S. Deconvolution of transcriptomes and miRNomes by independent component analysis provides insights into biological processes and clinical outcomes of melanoma patients.. 2019. BMC Medical Genomics, 12(1):132.
Cantini L, Calzone L, Martignetti L, Rydenfelt M, Blüthgen N, Barillot E, Zinovyev A. Classification of gene signatures for their information value and functional redundancy. NPJ Syst Biol Appl. 4:2. 2017.
Kairov U, Cantini L, Greco A, Molkenov A, Czerwinska U, Barillot E, Zinovyev A. Determining the optimal number of independent components for reproducible transcriptomic data analysis. BMC Genomics 18(1):712. 2017.
Le Morvan M, Zinovyev A, Vert JP. NetNorM: Capturing Cancer-relevant Information in Somatic Exome Mutation Data with Gene Networks for Cancer Stratification and Prognosis. PLoS Computational Biology 13(6):e1005573. 2017.
Gorban A, Mirkes E, Zinovyev A. Robust principal graphs for data approximation. Archives of Data Science 2(1):1:16, 2017.
Gorban AN, Mirkes EM, Zinovyev A. Piece-wise quadratic approximations of arbitrary error functions for fast and robust machine learning. Neural Netw. 2016, 84:28-38.
Martignetti L, Calzone L, Bonnet E, Barillot E, Zinovyev A. ROMA: Representation and Quantification of Module Activity from Target Expression Data. Front Genet. 2016. 7:18.
Czerwinska U, Calzone L, Barillot E, Zinovyev A. DeDaL: Cytoscape 3 app for producing and morphing data-driven and structure-driven network layouts. 2015. BMC Syst Biol. 14;9:46.
Biton A, Bernard-Pierrot I, Lou Y, Krucker C, Chapeaublanc E, Rubio Perez C, Lopez Bigas N, Kamoun A, Neuzillet Y, Gestraud P, Grieco G, Rebouissou S, de Reynies A, Benhamou S, Lebret T, Southgate J, Barillot E, Allory Y, Zinovyev A.^, Radvanyi F^. Independent component analysis uncovers the landscape of the bladder tumor transcriptome and reveals insights into luminal and basal subtypes. 2014. Cell Reports 9(4), 1235-1245
Zinovyev A. and Mirkes E. Data complexity measured by principal graphs. 2013. Computers and Mathematics with Applications 65:1471-1482.
Zinovyev A, Kairov U, Karpenyuk T, Ramanculov E. Blind Source Separation Methods For Deconvolution Of Complex Signals In Cancer Biology. 2013. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 430(3), 1182-1187
Martignetti L, Laud-Duval K, Tirode F, Pierron G, Reynaud S, Barillot E, Delattre O, Zinovyev A. Antagonism Pattern Detection between MicroRNA and Target Expression in Ewing Sarcoma. 2012. PLoS One 7(7):e41770
Boeva V, Zinovyev A, Bleakley K, Vert JP, Janoueix-Lerosey I, Delattre O, Barillot E. Control-free calling of copy number alterations in deep-sequencing data using GC-content normalization. 2011. Bioinformatics 27(2):268-269
Gorban A.N, Zinovyev A. Principal manifolds and graphs in practice: from molecular biology to dynamical systems. 2010. Int J Neural Syst 20(3):219-32
Rapaport F, Zinovyev A, Dutreix M, Barillot E, Vert J.-P. Classification of microarray data using gene networks. 2007. BMC Bioinformatics 8:35
Gorban A, Sumner N, Zinovyev A. Topological grammars for data approximation. 2007. Applied Mathematics Letters 20(4), 382-386
Gorban A, Zinovyev A. Elastic Principal Graphs and Manifolds and their Practical Applications. 2005. Computing 75, 359 -379
Zinovyev A, Gorban A.N, Popova T. Self-Organizing Approach for Automated Gene Identification. 2003. Open Systems and Information Dynamics 10(4), 321-333
Gorban AN, Zinovyev AYu. Method of Elastic Maps and its Applications in Data Visualization and Data Modeling. 2001. International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, CHAOS 12, 353-369
Gorban AN, Zinovyev AYu, Pitenko AA. Visualization of data using method of elastic maps (in Russian). Informatsionnie technologii. Mashinostrornie Publ, Moscow, 2000. N6, P.26-35.
Peer-reviewed conference papers
Chervov A and Zinovyev A Clinical trajectories estimated from bulk tumoral molecular profiles using elastic principal trees. Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2021, pp. 1-9,
Chevalier S, Noel V, Calzone L, Zinovyev A, Pauleve L. Synthesis and Simulation of Ensembles of Boolean Networks for Cell Fate Decision 18th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB), 2020, Online, Germany. pp.193-209
Bac J, Zinovyev A. Local intrinsic dimensionality estimators based on concentration of measure. Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Glasgow, UK, 19-24 July 2020.
Albergante A, Bac J, Zinovyev A. Estimating the effective dimension of large biological datasets using Fisher separability analysis. Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Budapest, Hungary, 14-17 July 2019.
Chevalier S, Froidevaux C, Pauleve L, Zinovyev A. Synthesis of Boolean Networks from Biological Dynamical Constraints using Answer-Set Programming. Proceedings of 31st International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2019, Portland, Oregon, United States.
Gorban AN, Mirkes E, Zinovyev A. Data analysis with arbitrary error measures approximated by piece-wise quadratic PQSQ functions. Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Rio, Brazil, 8-13 July 2018.
Czerwinska U, Cantini L, Kairov U, Barillot E, Zinovyev A. Application of Independent Component Analysis to Tumor Transcriptomes Reveals Specific And Reproducible Immune-related Signals. Proceedings of International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation, Surrey, UK, 2-6 July 2018.
Gorban AN, Pitenko A, Zinovyev A. ViDaExpert: user-friendly tool for nonlinear visualization and analysis of multidimensional vectorial data. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), Paris, 19-21 October 2015
Gorban AN, Mirkes EM, Zinovyev A. Robust principal graphs for data approximation. Proceedings of European Conference on Data Analysis-2015, 2-4/9/2015, Colchester, UK
Gorban AN, Sumner NR, Zinovyev A. Branching principal components: elastic graphs, topological grammars and metro map. Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Florida, USA, August 12-17, 2007.
Gorban AN, Zinovyev A, Wunsch D. Application of the method of elastic maps in analysis of genetic texts. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Portland, 20-24 July 2003
Gorban AN, Pitenko A, Zinovyev A, Wunsch D. Visualization of Any Data with Elastic Map Method. Proceedings of Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering, St. Louis, MO, November, 2001
Peer-reviewed chapters
Mirkes EM, Zinovyev A, Gorban AN. Geometrical Complexity of Data Approximators. 2013. Advances in Computational Intelligence 7902:500-508.
Gorban AN, Zinovyev A. Principal Graphs and Manifolds. In Handbook of Research on Machine Learning Applications and Trends: Algorithms, Methods and Techniques, Information Science Reference, 2009. 28-59.
Gorban AN, Sumner NR, Zinovyev A. Beyond The Concept of Manifolds: Principal Trees, Metro Maps, and Elastic Cubic Complexes. In Principal Manifolds for Data Visualization and Dimension Reduction, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 58, Springer, Berlin - Heidelberg, 2008, 219-237
Gorban AN, Zinovyev A. Elastic Maps and Nets for Approximating Principal Manifolds and Their Application to Microarray Data Visualization. In Principal Manifolds for Data Visualization and Dimension Reduction, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 58, Springer, Berlin - Heidelberg, 2008, 96-130
Gorban AN, Zinovyev A. PCA and K-Means decipher genome. In Principal Manifolds for Data Visualization and Dimension Reduction, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 58, Springer, Berlin - Heidelberg, 2008, 307-323
Unpublished preprints
Zinovyev A. Dealing with complexity of biological systems: from data to models (HDR thesis). 2014. Arxiv preprint 1404.1626
Zinovyev A, Gorban AN. Nonlinear Quality of Life Index. 2010. Arxiv preprint 1008.4063
Zinovyev A. Data visualization in political and social sciences. 2010. Arxiv preprint 1008.1188
Gorban AN, Zinovyev A. Elastic principal manifolds and their practical applications. 2004. Arxiv preprint cond-mat/0405648.
Knowledge formalization in biology
Ravel JM, Monraz Gomez LC, Sompairac N, Calzone L, Zhivotovsky B, Kroemer G, Barillot E, Zinovyev A, Kuperstein I. Comprehensive Map of the Regulated Cell Death Signaling Network: A Powerful Analytical Tool for Studying Diseases. Cancers (Basel). 2020. 12(4):990
Balaur I, Roy R, Mazein A, Karaca G, Dogrusoz U, Barillot E, Zinovyev A. cd2sbgnml: bidirectional conversion between CellDesigner and SBGN formats. 2020. Bioinformatics, 36(19):4975
Monraz LCG, Kondratova M, Sompairac N, Lonjou C, Ravel JM, Barillot E, Zinovyev A, Kuperstein I. (2020). Atlas of Cancer Signaling Network: A resource of multi-scale biological maps to study disease mechanisms. In Systems Medicine: Integrative Qualitative and Computational Approaches. Elsevier
Kondratova M, Czerwinska U, Sompairac N, Amigorena SD, Soumelis V, Barillot E, Zinovyev A, Kuperstein I. A multiscale signalling network map of innate immune response in cancer reveals cell heterogeneity signatures. 2019. Nature Communications 10(1):4808
Mazein A, Ostaszewski M, Kuperstein I, Watterson S, Le Novere N, Lefaudeux D, De Meulder B, Pellet J, Balaur I, Saqi M, Nogueira MM, He F, Parton A, Lemonnier N, Gawron P, Gebel S, Hainaut P, Ollert M, Dogrusoz U, Barillot E, Zinovyev A, Schneider R, Balling R, Auffray C. Systems medicine disease maps: community-driven comprehensive representation of disease mechanisms. 2018. NPJ systems biology and applications 4 (1), 21
Monraz Gomez LC, Kondratova M, Ravel JM, Barillot E, Zinovyev A, Kuperstein I. Application of Atlas of Cancer Signalling Network in preclinical studies. Brief Bioinformatics. 2018 May 3.
Ostaszewski M, Gebel S, Kuperstein I, Mazein A, Zinovyev A, Dogrusoz U, Hasenauer J, Fleming RMT, Le Novere N, Gawron P, Ligon T, Niarakis A, Nickerson D, Weindl D, Balling R, Barillot E, Auffray C, Schneider R. Community-driven roadmap for integrated disease maps. Brief Bioinformatics. 2018 Apr 23.
Kondratova M, Sompairac N, Barillot E, Zinovyev A, Kuperstein I. Signalling maps in cancer research: construction and data analysis. Database (Oxford). 2018 Jan 1;2018.
Kuperstein I, Bonnet E, Nguyen HA, Cohen D, Viara E, Grieco L, Fourquet S, Calzone L, Russo C, Kondratova M, Dutreix M, Barillot E, Zinovyev A. Atlas of Cancer Signalling Network: a systems biology resource for integrative analysis of cancer data with Google Maps. 2015. Oncogenesis 4:e160.
Calzone L.*, Gelay A.*, Zinovyev A.*+, Radvanyi F, Barillot E. A comprehensive modular map of molecular interactions in RB/E2F pathway. 2008. Molecular Systems Biology 4:174 doi:10.1038/msb.2008.7
Mathematical modeling of biological networks
Zinovyev A, Sadovsky M, Calzone L, Fouché A, Groeneveld CS, Chervov A, Barillot E, Gorban AN. Modeling Progression of Single Cell Populations Through the Cell Cycle as a Sequence of Switches Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 2022, 8.
Noël V, Ruscone M, Stoll G, Viara E, Zinovyev A, Barillot E, Calzone L WebMaBoSS: A Web Interface for Simulating Boolean Models Stochastically. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 2021, 8. doi:10.3389/fmolb.2021.754444
Núñez-Carpintero I, Petrizzelli M, Zinovyev A, Cirillo D, Valencia A. The multilayer community structure of medulloblastoma. iScience. 2021 24(4):102365
Koltai M, Noel V, Zinovyev A, Calzone L, Barillot E. Exact solving and sensitivity analysis of stochastic continuous time Boolean models. BMC Bioinformatics. 2020. 21(1):241.
Kondratova M, Barillot E, Zinovyev A, Calzone L. Modelling of Immune Checkpoint Network Explains Synergistic Effects of Combined Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy and the Impact of Cytokines in Patient Response. Cancers (Basel). 2020. 12(12):3600
Gorban AN, Harel-Bellan A, Morozova N, Zinovyev A. Basic, simple and extendable kinetic model of protein synthesis. 2019. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 16 (6), 6602-6622
Sompairac N, Modamio J, Barillot E, Fleming RMT, Zinovyev A, Kuperstein I. Metabolic and signalling network map integration: application to cross-talk studies and omics data analysis in cancer. 2019. BMC Bioinformatics 20(Suppl 4):140.
Heirendt L, Arreckx S, Pfau T, et al. Creation and analysis of biochemical constraint-based models: the COBRA Toolbox v3.0. 2019. Nature Protocols 14(3):639-702
Noronha A, Modamio J, Jarosz Y, Guerard E, Sompairac N, Preciat G, Danielsdottir AD, Krecke M, Merten D, Haraldsdottir HS, Heinken A, Heirendt L, Magnusdottir S, Ravcheev DA, Sahoo S, Gawron P, Friscioni L, Garcia B, Prendergast M, Puente A, Rodrigues M, Roy A, Rouquaya M, Wiltgen L, Zagare A, John E, Krueger M, Kuperstein I, Zinovyev A, Schneider R, Fleming RMT, Thiele I. The Virtual Metabolic Human database: integrating human and gut microbiome metabolism with nutrition and disease. 2019. Nucleic Acids Res. 47(D1):D614-D624.
Letort G, Montagud A, Stoll G, Heiland R, Barillot E, Macklin P, Zinovyev A, Calzone L. PhysiBoSS: a multi-scale agent-based modelling framework integrating physical dimension and cell signalling. 2019. Bioinformatics 35(7):1188-1196
Levy N, Naldi A, Hernandez C, Stoll G, Thieffry D, Zinovyev A, Calzone L, Paulevé L. Prediction of Mutations to Control Pathways Enabling Tumor Cell Invasion with the CoLoMoTo Interactive Notebook (Tutorial). 2018. Front Physiol 9:787.
Naldi A, Hernandez C, Levy N, Stoll G, Monteiro PT, Chaouiya C, Helikar T, Zinovyev A, Calzone L, Cohen-Boulakia S, Thieffry D, Paulevé L. The CoLoMoTo Interactive Notebook: Accessible and Reproducible Computational Analyses for Qualitative Biological Networks. 2018. Front Physiol 9:680.
Calzone L, Barillot E, Zinovyev A. Logical versus kinetic modeling of biological networks: applications in cancer research. 2018. Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 21, 22-31.
Montagud A, Traynard P, Martignetti L, Bonnet E, Barillot E, Zinovyev A, Calzone L. Conceptual and computational framework for logical modelling of biological networks deregulated in diseases. Brief Bioinform. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbx163. 2017.
Dorel M, Viara E, Barillot E, Zinovyev A^ and Kuperstein I^. NaviCom: a web application to create interactive molecular network portraits using multi-level omics data. Database (Oxford) 1-11. 2017.
Stoll G, Caron B, Viara E, Dugourd A, Zinovyev A, Naldi A, Kroemer G, Barillot E, Calzone L. MaBoSS 2.0: an environment for stochastic Boolean modeling. 2017. Bioinformatics 33(14):2226-2228.
Cohen PAD, Martignetti L, Robine S, Barillot E, Zinovyev A^, Calzone L^. Mathematical Modelling of Molecular Pathways Enabling Tumour Cell Invasion and Migration. 2015. PLoS Computational Biology 11(11):e1004571.
Kuperstein I, Robine S, Zinovyev A. Network biology elucidates metastatic colon cancer mechanisms. 2015. Cell Cycle 14(14):2189-90.
Remy E, Rebouissou S, Chaouiya C, Zinovyev A, Radvanyi F, Calzone L. A Modeling Approach to Explain Mutually Exclusive and Co-Occurring Genetic Alterations in Bladder Tumorigenesis. 2015. Cancer Res. 75(19):4042-52.
Kuperstein I, Cohen DP, Pook S, Viara E, Calzone L, Barillot E, Zinovyev A. NaviCell: a web-based environment for navigation, curation and maintenance of large molecular interaction maps. 2013. BMC Syst Biol 7(1):100
Stoll G, Surdez D, Tirode F, Laud K, Barillot E, Zinovyev A^, Delattre O^. Systems biology of Ewing sarcoma: a network model of EWS-FLI1 effect on proliferation and apoptosis. 2013. Nucleic Acids Res., 41(19):8853-71
Vera-Licona P, Bonnet E, Barillot E, Zinovyev A. OCSANA: Optimal Combinations of Interventions from Network Analysis. 2013. Bioinformatics 15:29: 1571-1573
Zinovyev A, Kuperstein I, Barillot E, Heyer W-D. Synthetic Lethality between Gene Defects Affecting a Single Non-essential Molecular Pathway with Reversible Steps. 2013. PLoS Comput Biol 9(4): e1003016
Bonnet E, Calzone L, Rovera D, Stoll G, Barillot E, Zinovyev A. BiNoM 2.0, a Cytoscape plugin for accessing and analyzing pathways using standard systems biology formats. 2013. BMC Syst Biol. 7(1):18
Kutumova E, Zinovyev A, Sharipov R, Kolpakov F. Model composition through model reduction: a combined model of CD95 and NF-kappaB signaling pathways. 2013. BMC Syst Biol. 7(1):13
Kutumova E.O, Zinovyev A, Sharipov R.N, Kolpakov F.A. [Application of model reduction methods for constructing a composite model of apoptosis signaling]. 2012. Math. Biol. i Bioinformatika 7(2):572-588 (In Russian)
Morozova N*, Zinovyev A*, Nonne N, Pritchard L-L, Gorban AN, Harel-Bellan A. Kinetic signatures of microRNA modes of action. 2012. RNA 18(9): 032284
Calzone L, Tournier L, Fourquet S, Thieffry D, Zhivotovsky B, Barillot E, Zinovyev A. Mathematical modelling of cell-fate decision in response to death receptor engagement. 2010. PLoS Comput Biol 5;6(3):e1000702
Zinovyev A, Morozova N, Nonne N, Barillot E, Harel-Bellan A, Gorban AN. Dynamical modeling of microRNA action on the protein translation process. 2010. BMC Systems Biology 4:13
Gorban AN, Radulescu O, Zinovyev AY. Asymptotology of chemical reaction networks. 2010. Chemical Engineering Science 65, 2310-2324
Radulescu O, Gorban A, Zinovyev A, Lilienbaum A. Robust simplifications of multiscale biochemical networks. 2008. BMC Systems Biology 2:86
Zinovyev A, Viara E, Calzone L, Barillot E. BiNoM: a Cytoscape plugin for using and analyzing biological networks. 2008. Bioinformatics 24(6):876-877
Gorban A, Karlin I, Zinovyev A. Invariant grids: method of complexity reduction in reaction networks. 2005. ComPlexUs 2004-05;2:110-127
Gorban A, Karlin I, Zinovyev A. Constructive Methods of Invariant Manifolds for Kinetic Problems. 2004. Physics Reports 396, 197-403
Gorban A, Karlin I, Zinovyev A. Invariant grids for reaction kinetics. 2004. Physica A, V.333, pp.106-154
Peer-reviewed conference papers
Buffard M., Desoeuvres A., Naldi A., Requilé C., Zinovyev A., Radulescu O. LNetReduce: Tool for Reducing Linear Dynamic Networks with Separated Timescales. In: Cinquemani E., Pauleve L. (eds) Computational Methods in Systems Biology. CMSB 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12881. Springer, Cham.
Radulescu O, Zinovyev A, Lilienbaum A. Model reduction and model comparison for NFkB signalling. Proceedings of Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering, September 2007, Stuttgart, Germany.
Radulescu O, Gorban A, Vakulenko S, Zinovyev A. Hierarchies and modules in complex biological systems. Proceedings of European Conference on Complex Systems, September 2006, Oxford, UK
Unpublished preprints
Computational biology methods and applications
Zinovyev A Adaptation through the lens of single-cell multi-omics data: Comment on "Dynamic and thermodynamic models of adaptation" by A.N. Gorban et al. Phys Life Rev. 2021 Sep;38:132-134.
Petrizzelli M, Merlevede J, Zinovyev A. Systems Biology Analysis for Ewing Sarcoma. Methods Mol Biol. 2021;2226:303-333.
Kieffer Y, Hocine HR, Gentric G, Pelon F, Bernard C, Bourachot B, Lameiras S, Albergante L, Bonneau C, Guyard A, Tarte K, Zinovyev A, Baulande S, Zalcman G, Vincent-Salomon A, Mechta-Grigoriou F. Single-Cell Analysis Reveals Fibroblast Clusters Linked to Immunotherapy Resistance in Cancer. Cancer Discov. 2020 Sep;10(9):1330-1351
Srivastava S, Belugali Nataraj N, Sekar A, Bornstein-Ovits C, Ghosh S, Drago-Garcia D, Roth L, Romaniello D, Marrocco I, Gilad Y, Lauriola M, Rotkopf R, Kimchi A, Mirabeau O, Surdez D, Zinovyev A, Dellattre O, Kovar H, Amit I, Yarden Y. ETS family proteins bind glucocorticoid receptor: relevance for treatment of Ewing sarcoma. 2019. Cell Reports, 29, Issue 1, p104-117.e4
Cantini L, Bertoli G, Cava C, Dubois T, Zinovyev A, Caselle M, Castiglioni I, Barillot E, Martignetti L. Identification of microRNA clusters cooperatively acting on epithelial to mesenchymal transition in triple negative breast cancer. 2019. Nucleic Acids Res. 47(5):2205-2215
Costa A, Kieffer Y, Scholer-Dahirel A, Pelon F, Bourachot B, Cardon M, Sirven P, Magagna I, Fuhrmann L, Bernard C, Bonneau C, Kondratova M, Kuperstein I, Zinovyev A, Givel A.-M, Parrini M.-C, Soumelis V, Vincent-Salomon A, Mechta-Grigoriou F. Fibroblast heterogeneity and immunosuppressive environment in human breast cancer. 2018. Cancer Cell 33(3):463-479.e10.
Jdey W, Thierry S, Russo C, Devun F, Al Abo M, Noguiez-Hellin P, Sun J.-S, Barillot E, Zinovyev A, Kuperstein I, Pommier Y, Dutreix M. Drug Driven Synthetic Lethality: bypassing tumor cell genetics with a combination of AsiDNA and PARP inhibitors. 2016. Clinical Cancer Research, pii: clincanres.1193.2016.
Deveau P, Barillot E, Boeva V, Zinovyev A, Bonnet E. Calculating Biological Module Enrichment or Depletion and Visualizing Data on Large-scale Molecular Maps with ACSNMineR and RNaviCell Packages. R journal 2016, 8:293-306.
Martignetti L, Tesson B, Almeida A, Zinovyev A, Tucker GC, Dubois T, Barillot E. Detection of miRNA regulatory effect on triple negative breast cancer transcriptome. BMC Genomics 2015;16:S4.
Kairov U, Karpenyuk T, Ramanculov E, Zinovyev A. Network analysis of gene lists for finding reproducible prognostic breast cancer gene signatures. 2012. Bioinformation 18(6):773-776
Martignetti L, Zinovyev A, Barillot E. Identification of shortened 3prime untranslated regions from expression arrays. 2012. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 10:1241001
Pinna G, Zinovyev A, Araujo N, Morozova N, Harel-Bellan A. Analysis of the Growth Control Network Specific for Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells. 2012. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 7(01):337-368
Guillon N, Tirode F, Boeva V, Zinovyev A, Barillot E, Delattre O. The oncogenic EWS-FLI1 protein binds in vivo GGAA microsatellite sequences with potential transcriptional activation function. 2009. PLoS ONE 4(3):e4932
Ahnert SE, Fink TMA and Zinovyev A. How much non-coding DNA do eukaryotes require?. 2008. Journal of Theoretical Biology 252(4):587-592
Gorban A, Zinovyev A. The Mystery of Two Straight Lines in Bacterial Genome Statistics. 2007. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 69: 2429-2442
Gorban A, Popova T, Zinovyev A. Codon usage trajectories and 7-cluster structure of 143 complete bacterial genomic sequences. 2005. Physica A 353, 365-387
Gorban A, Popova T, Zinovyev A. Four basic symmetry types in the universal 7-cluster structure of microbial genomic sequences. 2005. In Silico Biology 5, 0025
Carbone A, Kepes F, Zinovyev A. Codon bias signatures, organisation of microorganisms in codon space and lifestyle. 2005. Mol.Biol.Evol. 22(3):547-561
Gorban A, Zinovyev A, Popova T. Seven clusters in genomic triplet distributions. 2003. In Silico Biology. V.3, 0039
Carbone A, Zinovyev A, Kepes F. Codon Adaptation Index as a measure of dominating codon bias. 2003. Bioinformatics. 19(13), 2005-2015
Kuksin M, Morel D, Aglave M, Danlos FX, Marabelle A, Zinovyev A, Gautheret D, Verlingue L. Applications of single-cell and bulk RNA sequencing in onco-immunology. Eur J Cancer. 2021 May;149:193-210.
Bac J, Zinovyev A. Lizard Brain: Tackling Locally Low-Dimensional Yet Globally Complex Organization of Multi-Dimensional Datasets. 2020. Frontiers in Neurorobotics 13:110
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